Saturday, December 15, 2007

I like parties

Parties are great. They give you chance to meet new people and then get embarrassingly wasted with those new friends. And I frequently am one to embarrass myself, sometimes on purpose, sometimes not, but it will eventually happen one way or another, and I actually enjoy embarrassing myself. I don't exactly know why.

So tonight, I'm going to a party. And boy am I excited! Well, kinda. I had to really convince myself that I should go, because you never know, you might meet someone special. Or in the least someone to share a drunken philosophical moment with.

I, by nature, am I very social person and I like meeting new people and having new experiences. (Speed dating was great for that!) The last party I went to was completely random. I had gone to see my friend's improv show totally hungover on a Saturday night, but since the show was at night I convinced myself that it was like going out without actually going out. Anyway, my friend invited me to the after party, but I was hesitant because I was feeling a little rough from the previous night of drinking. He and his friends convinced me to go, so I decided to go along. I was thinking, "how bad could this be? Funny people drinking and being merry."

The party was at a nice apartment in the city - very good size for party and lots of fun people there. I immediately hit it off with one of the guys who lived in the apartment and started joking around with him and flirting. Oh, surprise! He is flirting back. This is exciting! So, I have to play it cool and hang out, but he keeps coming around to talk to me and flirt. Yay, maybe a hook-up tonight!

Incidentally, this same night, I also met a totally awesome girl who I attached myself to the whole night. She and I ended up exchanging information at the end of the night. This happens to me often, I meet cool girls at parties and through friends, but rarely the awesome single dudes - so I was super excited that there was a cute, smart, funny guy talking to me as well.

My friends left to go karaoking, but I decided to stay behind because of all the fun I was having. It was a great decision. I kept my flirt on, while keeping it cool. When the end of the night arrived (actually, went I totally ran out of steam), there was no exchange of numbers with the cute boy, just an awkward hug goodnight and a "so good to meet you!" Uh, I... I, yeah, awesome. See ya!

What? I don't get it. Flirt all night, but give the awkward goodbye? Girlfriend? Or just embarrassed to give me your number in front of your friends? Hm. I was seriously confused, but since I had exchanged info with cool girl, there was a link! Cool girl and I instantly became myspace friends and I totally stalked cute boy in her friends, whom I immediately friended and messaged. Never heard back. Again, what?

All in all, it was a fun night, but I walked away from it confused and a little let down - BUT with an super cool new friend.

Hopefully tonight will be fun! And perhaps some cuties will be at the party, but no biggie if there aren't. I will just get really drunk and tell all of my friends how much I love them. I'm so in that kind of mood and I haven't even had a drink. They love me for it.

Oh, and on an unrelated jealousy note, my roommate met some guy on the subway a few days ago, who she totally hit it off with. They didn't exchange information, but they both wrote "missed connections" for each other. He wrote back to her listing saying that he beat her to the punch. Adorable! Adorably disgusting. Ugh. I mean, I'm really happy for you!

1 comment:

Bridget said...

"Missed Connections" is like that thing that seems to happen to EVERYONE around me, but never me. The only connections I have on the subway are with the large lady's ass who's sitting next to about UGH.